About Us
We welcome you to the M&C Hay website.  Since 1979 M&C Hay has become one of the most respected haygrowers in Northern Nevada.  Matt and Cheryl Morrison run operations on the 615 acre farm producing premium Timothy and Alfalfa Hay.  M&C Hay is located in Diamond Valley, 15 miles north of Eureka Nevada.  The fertile valley rests at 5,800 feet above sea level creating an optimum growing season for high quality Timothy and Alfalfa Hay products.  For over 40 years horse owners and dairies have come to M&C Hay for the quality product they expect and deserve.

Our Team

Matt Morrison
Matt Morrison
Owner & CEO of M&C Hay since 1979, Matt oversees all operations and sales.
James Morrison
James Morrison
Marketing Manager, James oversees online marketing & seasonal harvest operations.
Bryan Morrison
Bryan Morrison
Farm Operations Manager, Bryan manages daily operations with truckers, equipment fleet and equipment operators.
Yvonne Dillon
Yvonne Dillon
Farm Manager & Equipment Operator, Yvonne maintains crop irrigation systems, equipment maintenance & equipment operator during harvest.